Use "outrage|outrages" in a sentence

1. 25 This is an act that outrages public opinion.

2. People are seeking retribution for the latest terrorist outrages.

3. What, with outrage?

4. Her behaviour was a positive outrage.

5. The guests all shouted in outrage.

6. Surprise was swiftly followed by outrage.

7. October 10, 2011 Time for Outrage!

8. The case generated public outrage.

9. Media reports generated moral outrage.

10. She was trembling with outrage.

11. This entire proceeding is an outrage.

12. The announcement provoked howls of outrage.

13. The judge's remarks caused public outrage.

14. Campaigners have expressed outrage at the decision.

15. The case caused national and international outrage.

16. With its tendency to glorify brute force it outrages moral standards and inflames the passions.

17. The news was greeted with outrage.

18. The scandal has stoked public outrage.

19. She alternated between outrage and sympathy.

20. No doubt you've heard of Hawk's latest outrage.

21. Robyn was almost ill with excitement and outrage.

22. His comments were met with howls of outrage.

23. I felt disbelief first of all, then outrage.

24. The suggestion inevitably provoked outrage from student leaders.

25. Ser Lancel, tell her of this outrage.

26. CA: And releasing this caused widespread outrage.

27. Tag Archives: Confected outrage Don’t Look Back In Anger

28. It's just the sort of thing to outrage him.

29. He leapt up and down in sheer outrage.

30. Barbarism A barbarous, cruel, or brutal action; an outrage

31. She was filled with an overwhelming sense of outrage.

32. Much of the outrage was directed at foreign nationals.

33. Her answer was greeted with cries of outrage.

34. The police response sparked outrage in the community.

35. 10 Why do Latins profess outrage against poison?

36. There is widespread public outrage over the massacre.

37. The response to the jury's verdict was one of outrage.

38. 9 Our helplessness, outrage and fear were not collateral damage.

39. He insults your reserve, he Arraigns your modesty, he wounds you to the heart and outrages your dearest affections

40. Fasil and her co-defendants were charged with "treason, outrages against the Constitution and incitement to armed conspiracy".

41. That said, the regulatory outrages against common sense continue unabated, and the pressing need for reform remains unsatisfied.

42. The arrests caused outrage and a rise in protests.

43. That provoked outrage from parts of the Royal Navy.

44. But the outrage was based on supposition and hearsay.

45. There have been cries of outrage about this expenditure.

46. How much outrage can a single multinational corporation inspire?

47. The Government has been dilatory in condemning the outrage.

48. The response - from tacit agreement to outrage - was enormous ....

49. They were horrified by the outrage before their eyes.

50. 18 The suggestion inevitably provoked outrage from student leaders.

51. Others finger Salman Rushdie's knighthood as an incitement of Muslim outrage.

52. Her deep sense of outrage helped her to self-control.

53. Iran Criminalizes Child Abuse After Outrage Over Killing of Teenage Girl

54. In East Asia, Responses to the Georgia Attacks Were Lean on Outrage

55. We feel the shock, pain and outrage of the people of France.

56. News of the treaty sparked outrage in the Chinese capital.

57. The decision provoked outrage from women and human rights groups.

58. That would outrage the Tories, who would lose their last hereditary peers.

59. All, right - minded ` people will be surely shocked by this outrage.

60. Let's start by proving his latest outrage wasn't beyond him. JUDGE:

61. The use of H - bombs would be an outrage against humanity.

62. Many gays reacted with outrage at the tactic of "outing" senior public figures.

63. 13 When I felt outrage was I simply a cipher for cultural prejudice?

64. She could see only outrage and humiliation, leering at her, mocking her.

65. 28 British newspapers were full of moral outrage at the weakness of other countries.

66. The videotape of the attack caused outrage when it was screened on the news.

67. 82 synonyms for Anger: rage, passion, outrage, temper, fury, resentment, irritation, wrath, indignation

68. 30 synonyms for Appal: horrify, shock, alarm, frighten, scare, terrify, outrage, disgust, dishearten, revolt

69. Quarrels were generally messy, involving hot tempers, grief, unpredictable actions, passion, outrage, betrayal.

70. It was enough to outrage the Loyalists without satisfying the Civil Rights movement at all.

71. The proposal, from Detroit's ombudsman, has caused outrage - and a certain amount of thought.

72. British newspapers were full of moral outrage at the weakness of other countries.

73. 39 synonyms for Affront: offend, anger, provoke, outrage, insult, annoy, vex, displease, pique, put or

74. She was gentle with her friends, and her outrage at their tactlessness did not show.

75. State institutions that invested in sinking foreign banks have faced public outrage for squandering national resources.

76. It's an outrage, dragging a 9-year-old child into San Simeon under armed guard!

77. Overstating a debtor's balance — also called "overBiffing" — is the latest outrage in unfair debt collection.

78. Cope's own sleevenotes have also caused outrage, containing vitriolic attacks on Axl Rose and U among others.

79. Alexander Nanau's "Collective" has a propulsive energy, relentlessly building in urgency and outrage

80. Synonyms for Affronts include insults, slights, indignities, outrage, slurs, abuse, injury, provocation, epithets and offences